(defun say-hello ()
"Say Hello to the whole world. "
(message "Hello World"))
(defun say-hello (greeting)
"Say GREETING to user, and kee message."
(message greeting)
(say-hello "Hello World")
(defun my/sum (num1 num2)
"Sum of two integer NUM1 and NUM2 and return integer."
(+ num1 num2)
(my/sum 1 3)
(my/sum (my/sum 3 4) (my/sum (my/sum 5 6) 7))
會先計算 (my/sum 5 6)
,再計算 (my/sum 11 7)
(defun times-3 (x) (* x 3))
(defun times-4 (x) (* x 4))
(defun multiples (multi-func max-num)
(dotimes (x max-num)
(print (format "%d: %d" x (funcall multi-func x))))
(multiples #'times-3 10)
(multiples #'times-4 10)
跟 times-4
(dotimes x max-num)
是 for (x = 0; x < max-num; x++)
的意思(funcall 'times-3 8)
就會等於 24
(let ((max 10))
(dotimes (x max)
(print (format "%d" x))))
會印出 0 ... 9
(lambda (x) (* x x x))
((lambda (x) (* x x x)) 5)
(mapcar* 'times-3 (4 5 6))
結果會是 (12 15 18)
;; if statement
(defun odd-or-even (x)
(if (= 0 (% x 2))
(odd-or-even 3)
(odd-or-even 4)
;; condition, or switch case
(defun pick-word (n)
((= n 1) "gold")
((= n 2) "silver")
((= n 3) "bronz")
(t "winner")))
(pick-word 3)
(pick-word 33)
;; for-loop
(loop for x from 1 to 10
do (print x))
;; dotimes
(dotimes (y 12)
(print y))
;; recursive
(defun factorial (n)
(if (< n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(factorial 3)
(factorial 10)
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